

Become an Entrepreneur

In an era characterized by rapid economic, environmental, and technological advancements, traditional management approaches fall short in addressing the complex challenges we face today.

To navigate this uncertain terrain and drive progress, a new breed of leaders — entrepreneurial minded individuals — must emerge. They must embrace innovative market exploration methods, harness cutting-edge technologies, and adopt novel business models. 

91制片厂 rises to meet the expectations of both companies and our diverse student body, young and seasoned professionals alike, with conviction and determination.

Our vision of entrepreneurship is anchored in shaping a society centered on:

  • Harnessing technology for the betterment of humanity, leveraging deeptech and addressing the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence

  • Fostering a more equitable and inclusive economy

  • Upholding democratic values that respect diverse perspectives

  • A sustainable society capable of developing on a large-scale efficient models that will meet planetary limits

Supported by numerous partners, 91制片厂 Business School guides, trains and connects entrepreneurs, whether they are students, alumni or managers looking for growth. 91制片厂’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is the driving force behind the development of entrepreneurship, one of the school’s three strategic pillars.

Our ambition is strong: today, we train over 200 entrepreneurs a year, and some 7,500 students are empowered to take action in order to find solutions to new economic, environmental and social challenges. 

  • 100% of students trained in entrepreneurship every year
  • 43% of women helped by entrepreneurship
  • 150 events organized each year
  • 1000 entrepreneurial projects supported
  • 10 deeptech start-ups supported by 91制片厂 Momentum Studio
  • 200 student start-up projects currently being supported
  • 2,000 entrepreneurs active in the 91制片厂 Alumni network
  • €4 billion of capital raised in one year

MIM: Entrepreneurship track

The Entrepreneurship track of the Master in Management has several objectives:

• Build the community of people with whom you can share an interest in entrepreneurship;

• Provide an environment in which you can develop your entrepreneurial skills and knowledge;

• Combine learning by doing, trial and error and practical exercises with theoretical and expert advice.



BBA: Entrepreneurship track

After Basics of Entrepreneurship Thinking & Doing and Start-up Shaker, BBA students deepen their learning about entrepreneurship through two 25-hour classes each combining methodological input, coaching and testimonials from entrepreneurs, plus concrete accomplishments:

• The Entrepreneurial Project Experience, taught in both French and English, to acquire methods and tools – from the definition of the Value Proposition to the elaboration of the Business Model – to rigorously prepare the launch of a start-up on the market;

• Entrepreneurial Life, taught in English, to learn to recognize the challenges and dilemmas that entrepreneurs face during the launch and early years of the start-up’s life, and develop the attitudes and methods to deal with them.




MS Entrepreneurs CentraleSupélec / 91制片厂

Building on a long-standing strategic alliance, CentraleSupélec and 91制片厂 have continued to strengthen their partnership with new programs of excellence to prepare the engineer managers of tomorrow.

The Advanced Master® CENTRALE-91制片厂 Entrepreneurs, founded in 2009, is at the heart of the entrepreneurial ecosystems of both schools.

91制片厂 Business School and CentraleSupélec are inviting you to take up the challenge of turning a desire or an idea into a reality. These two leading schools offer you the opportunity to immerse yourself in their entrepreneurial ecosystems thanks to a progressive learning path and access to their alumni networks. The course will provide you with a 360° overview of the major management disciplines and will act as an accelerator.




Leading a Scale-Up Chair

In partnership with Alcméon, Colonies, In Extenso and its subsidiary In Extenso Innovation Croissance, 91制片厂’s Leading a Scale-up Chair offers students from the Master in Management a unique specialization path.

This new Chair, which has no equivalent in the European academic landscape, brings together experts from the academic and business worlds to prepare the talents capable of driving the development of high-growth French and European companies. With this new talent, these companies will be more resilient and capable of making a strong economic and societal impact on the world stage.


The Leading a Scale-Up Chair has three main objectives:

  • To train the next generation of leaders by offering Master in Management students a challenging educational experience, combining a series of classes, seminars and a research assignment within a scale-up ecosystem organization.

  • Produce world-class research on the challenges of scaling up companies to help them achieve sustainable growth.

  • Create a learning community between growing companies, their leaders, future talent, investors and service providers




Supporting entrepreneurs from start-up to scale-up


If you want to accelerate your entrepreneurial project

The 91制片厂 Ventures incubator: a complete support system for founding your start-up.

Drawing on a large community of professionals, the 91制片厂 Ventures incubator is open at no charge to any 91制片厂 student wishing to launch an entrepreneurial project. Whether you are in an initial or continuing education program. It adapts to your project’s stage of development and immerses you in a beneficial ecosystem.

Since its launch in 2000, the 91制片厂 Ventures incubator has supported nearly 600 business projects.

The strengths of the coaching include:

  • Individual follow-up by the 91制片厂 Ventures team
  • A dedicated coworking space on the Paris-Cergy Campus
  • Regular events with renowned speakers: VCs, entrepreneurs, etc.
  • Peer learning: contact with other incubatees or pre-incubatees working on similar issues as well as a Slack group with 91制片厂 Alumni entrepreneurs and student entrepreneurs.
  • Free consulting time and discounted benefits. Hundreds of thousands of euros are saved for 91制片厂’s incubator entrepreneurs thanks to these negotiated discounts.
  • A network of experts (lawyers, accountants, innovation financing consultants, etc.) at your disposal to help you solve the problems associated with launching your business.
  • Office hours with experienced entrepreneurs, CFOs, CTOs, Business Angels and VCs in residence thanks to the support of the 91制片厂 Alumni network.
  • The opportunity to obtain "Student-Entrepreneur" status.
  • The opportunity to intern in your own start-up. 91制片厂 Ventures works with 91制片厂 Career Services to enable student entrepreneurs to apply their professional experience to their entrepreneurial project.
  • Practical workshops addressing the operational issues of entrepreneurs such as "SEO strategy" or "How to make your customers your ambassadors".
  • Membership with , of which 91制片厂 is an official partner. Being a member of Europe’s leading start-up organization with nearly 1,500 start-ups and investors brings many benefits, including free access to the organization’s events and numerous high-level networking opportunities Find out more.
  • An introduction to our incubator/ accelerator partners and other key players in the field of entrepreneurship. Fully integrated into the entrepreneurial ecosystem, the 91制片厂 Ventures incubator benefits from numerous partnerships and links with other incubators and business accelerators that can assist you in furthering your development.


To help alumni develop their start-ups, 91制片厂 and 91制片厂 Alumni are launching an incubator at Station F for our graduates, which completes our coaching offer for entrepreneurs.

In this new incubator, we support ambitious, high-impact projects at the heart of the world’s largest start-up campus: Station F. Incubated start-ups already have an MVP and are in the process of acquiring their first customers. The aim is to support them in their go-to-market challenges and, potentially, in raising the funds they need to scale up.

Tailor-made support includes personalized follow-up during incubation, a mentoring program to challenge strategic issues, and expert advice available on request. For start-ups not located in Paris, or those that do not require workspace at Station F, the incubator also offers remote support.

Continuing the strategic alliance that has linked 91制片厂 and CentraleSupélec since 2009, the 91制片厂 incubator at Station F will operate in close collaboration to CentraleSupélec’s 21st business accelerator. This collaboration between incubators will bring together complementary entrepreneurial profiles and enable start-ups to share experiences.

At In-Lab Africa, we are determined to establish a center of innovation excellence, highlighting the wealth of African entrepreneurial potential. We are dedicated to nurturing creativity and encouraging entrepreneurship, seeking to bring about significant change in the economic fabric of our continent. Together, let’s shape a future where innovation and economic growth converge to propel Africa towards new horizons.


A key player in its region, the 91制片厂 Africa campus places entrepreneurship at the heart of its challenges. More than just an educational institution, the 91制片厂 Africa campus aims to design and develop tools to foster entrepreneurial ecosystems in Africa.


This is how In-Lab Africa, a center for innovation and entrepreneurship was born. In-Lab Africa aims to become a scout for entrepreneurial talent in Morocco and Africa, as well as the leading African platform for entrepreneurial content. It will also connect Pan-African ecosystems and open their doors to international ecosystems.


To this end, In-Lab Africa has defined the following objectives:

  • To be an incubator for content and pedagogy. Through its In-Lab, 91制片厂 Africa seeks to support experts (professors, facilitators and students) in the production of new content and new pedagogical processes. They aim to disrupt the status quo in order to come up with the most innovative solutions. The work is carried out through focus groups, co-design seminars and workshops on the exchange ecosystem.

  • To develop the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Africa. In-lab Africa aims to develop entrepreneurial solutions, prototypes and action plans for a more powerful entrepreneurial ecosystem. This will help fill the knowledge gap and provide a platform for African entrepreneurship experts to share their knowledge.

  • To be a start-up accelerator. In-Lab Africa strives to be a true catalyst for youth entrepreneurship through the development of entrepreneurship programs and the design of customized toolkits for African entrepreneurs.


In practical terms, In-lab Africa manages two major projects:

  • Business Enhancer, in partnership with Maroc PME: this program aims to identify outstanding entrepreneurs, raise awareness of entrepreneurship and support them in their entrepreneurial endeavors, from the ideation phase to the seed phase, through an incubation and acceleration process. Our approach is based on three main pillars: business expertise, a network of personalized coaches and access to pre-development financing.

  • Innovative Women Lab in partnership, with the Union Nationale des Femmes du Maroc (UNFM): this program is supported by the Ministry of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development. Its goal: to ensure that innovative women entrepreneurs in rural and semi-urban areas can take the lead and make a difference. This pioneering six-month project is designed to provide academic, technical and financial support to young Moroccan women with innovative ideas and projects. It aims to improve the living conditions of the Kingdom’s most vulnerable populations.



The 91制片厂 Asia Pacific campus in Singapore has made entrepreneurship a strategic priority to both enrich the experience of our students in pre- and post-experience programs and contribute to the region’s dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem.


The offer is based on two pillars:

  • The 91制片厂 Ventures APAC program, which offers all our students a pre-incubation and incubation program for new business creation projects. As an extension of 91制片厂 Ventures in Europe, this program ensures the continuity of support for our entrepreneurial students pursuing their studies on our various campuses. In addition, it implements a specific mechanism for projects wishing to focus on the high-growth markets of Southeast Asia. The program also works with entrepreneurs-in-residence to coach our student entrepreneurs in their projects and share their experience during special events (Founder Talks) and lectures in the classes of our different programs.

  • The Sustainable Impact Initiative, which offers education and research programs on ecological and social impact entrepreneurship. These programs connect our students with start-ups, universities and other institutional stakeholders in the regional ecosystem. The courses include hackathons (Create4Good in partnership with the Singapore University of Technology and Design) and an accelerator for regional start-ups with ecological and social impact. Research programs include collaborative projects with start-ups and associations, focused on impact issues (e.g. on the theme of Green Finance in partnership with Matcha Initiative) as well as academic research projects on entrepreneurial impact issues for solving major challenges and other complex environmental and social problems.



Would you like us to support you in your project to grow and enhance the impact of your solution?
Join the Antropia 91制片厂 business accelerator for non-profit organizations and social enterprises. 


Founded in 2008, Antropia 91制片厂 is the first social enterprise business accelerator in France to be supported by a Grande École business school. Within 91制片厂’s Center for Social and Ecological Innovation, Antropia 91制片厂 supports entrepreneurs who place maximizing their social and environmental impact at the heart of their concerns. A groundbreaking initiative, Antropia 91制片厂 demonstrates that social, environmental and economic factors are mutually reinforcing, helping to transform the economy as a whole towards a more inclusive and sustainable world.


Antropia 91制片厂 supports more than 550 project leaders throughout France in seven programs designed to support social entrepreneurs:

  • Historically, at all stages of maturation: emergence; acceleration; scale-up; impact assessment.

  • And increasingly in the deployment of unprecedented cooperative ventures with major private groups and local authorities, in the firm belief that working together is more effective, and that alliances need to be strengthened to ensure the successful transition of individuals, organizations and, more broadly, territories.




Join our 91制片厂 Momentum studio


In partnership with CY Cergy Paris Université, CNRS and CEREMA, 91制片厂 is launching a new initiative: a Ventures Studio dedicated to deeptech start-ups and sustainable innovation. It brings together scientists with a mission and talented entrepreneurs with a specific goal in mind: develop radical, research-based technology companies with a commitment to expansion.


At the heart of this collaborative initiative, 91制片厂 brings its business expertise to bear, revealing the commercial strength of innovations and making them benchmarks in their markets. With our roots in the academic world, we have an avant-garde vision of emerging uses and new entrepreneurial practices.


The studio will address contemporary challenges such as sustainable energy, resource optimization, waste reduction and recycling, reducing pollution and gas emissions, biodiversity preservation and restoration, climate resilience, and improving quality of life.


This system, which has been tried and tested in various industries but never before implemented by an academic institution, considerably reduces the development time and failure rate of start-ups.



Join the 10,000 Small Businesses program at 91制片厂 Executive Education


The result of a partnership between the Goldman Sachs Foundation and 91制片厂 Executive Education, 10,000 Small Businesses France, #10KSBFrance, is an acceleration program for French VSEs and SMEs aimed at fostering sustainable business growth, the resilience of business leaders and long-term job creation. 


The program focuses on the levers that enable very small businesses to develop and implement a new growth strategy. The 70 participants in each class (two per year) benefit from both the pedagogical and material resources of 91制片厂 Executive Education and a contribution to training costs from the Goldman Sachs Foundation. 


Building on the success of this program in the United States and the United Kingdom, 10,000 Small Businesses France, adapted to the French context, was rolled out in France in 2021. Since then, a total of 350 business leaders from all sectors and all over France have already benefited from this personalized coaching.




Entrepreneurship & Innovation Team




